von BK-Christian | 15.06.2019 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Company of Heroes: Board Game Kickstarter

Company of Heroes bekommt ein Brettspiel.

„Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men and the one who leads them that earn the victory.“ — General George S. Patton

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This beautiful board game ‚port‘ captures the strategy, choices and fun of the beloved video games. Players maneuver units from one of four factions to secure resource points, grow their economy, unlock buildings and purchase and upgrade new units. Player’s eventually unleash their team’s powerful end game forces to help secure enough victory points or annihilate the enemy base buildings to win.

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From fog of war, utilizing cover and buildings, flanking armor, spotting, combining multi-unit tactics, veteran upgrades, deciding what units to purchase and what buildings to unlock; this project distills all of the elements we love about Company of Heroes into a streamlined board game experience.

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Und das sind die Pledges:

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Außerdem gibt es Expansions:

There are currently three possible Add On’s: The Terrain Pack ($26), The Solo / Cooperative Expansion ($26) and the Elite Commanders Collection ($46). These have been priced as affordably as possible for the KickStarter campaign. These are all items that we would have loved to include into the Core Set but we would never have been able to keep its price below $100. These Add Ons represent extra game features and units not essential to the core experience. (The Core Set really does contain everything you need to play Company of Heroes!) You can select a reward tier that includes the add-ons you want, or they may be added individually by simply adding the correct amount to your pledge. Your specific choice will be confirmed later through the pledge manager.

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The Solo & Cooperative pack allows you to now play the Company of Heroes Board Game solo or with a partner! Featuring a unique fog of war and AI reaction system, overcome 10 pre-set scenarios and challenges, or dive into a fully functioning free-play system like the video games‘ AI multiplayer!

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The Elite Commanders Collection features all of the Commander Packs that will be sold separately at retail for $10-12 a pack. For the KickStarter, we have bundled all 16 commanders and their special doctrinal vehicles into one bundle. Note that we will be confirming these vehicle selections with you, the backers, over the course of the campaign via a series of 8 polls to give you the option to select from this current set or alternate vehicles! This collection includes 2 of each doctrinal vehicle even the giant 3.7″ King Tiger. Note that if you are ordering two core sets to play with 5-8 people, you will still only need one Commanders Collection.

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What is this game?

The Company of Heroes Board Game is an interesting hybrid of strategy, unit tactics and resource management; just like the video games. In our experience, if you like the video games and you like board games you WILL love this game. If you are unfamiliar with the video games, but like strategy board games, tactical miniatures games or war-games, you will PROBABLY like this game, it depends on whether you are looking for a relatively fast, medium complexity WW2 strategy game.

I Never Played the Video Games, Will I Still Love It? For those in the second category the important distinction to consider is that this is a cross between tactical skirmish games and economy-based resource management games so it feels and plays differently than most other games out there. While the CoH board game shares some common elements with skirmish games and tabletop miniatures games, (players are maneuvering units around on a map after all), it has such a large focus on securing, collecting and spending resources that the end experience is quite different! Playtesters that never played the video games, said they enjoyed the fun choices and purchases you get to constantly be making in addition to all the tactical maneuvering like occupying buildings, positioning mortars, or flanking to vehicle weak spots; but without getting bogged down by a lot of calculation, dice rolling or waiting between turns.

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How Does It Stack Up? If you are a fan of of some of our favorite WW2 board games you will probably enjoy the Company of Heroes board game as well. But you should know that it is simpler (and less time consuming) than Squad Leader, Tide of Iron and Bolt Action. It has more tactical depth than titles like Memoir 44′. The unit interactions and abilities approach the degree found in games like Heroes of Normandie and Conflict of Heroes but has a more streamlined (and therefore lighter) combat system.

Fremdsprachen sind bei ausreichend vielen Backern geplant:

An online rulebook for each language will be available at launch. 200 Backers from Germany, France, Poland, Spain / Central / South America will unlock a printed rulebook in that language. 1000 Backers from a region unlocks a full version of the game! NOTE that for those countries that do not unlock a printed rulebook or card set we will make them available for a small fee through the Pledge Manager. You will be able to pick which language version you want through the pledge manager regardless of country.

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Die Kampagne ist deutlich überfinanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: Company of Heroes Board Game


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Oh Mann, Christian… Danke? Das ist völlig an mir vorbei gegangen, jetzt wird wohl doch das Sparschwein geschlachtet 😀
    Sieht gut aus, nicht zu komplex aber auch nicht so simpel wie M44.

  • Muss schon sehr simpel sein, wenn es hinter Tide of Iron steht. prinzipiell hätte ich aber auch Conflict of Heroes vor Tide of Iron gesehen. Die Karte ist zudem sehr klein. Überzeugt mich nicht so ganz :-/

    • Dito. Bisher haut mich das in keinem Bereich wirklich um. Schwer in Worte zu fassen, aber in allen Bereichen einfach nett, mehr aber auch nicht.

  • Es läuft in der Spiele Offensive gerade eine Sammelbestellung (Spielernetzwerk -> Listen), wo ihr richtig fett sparen könnt und trotzdem alle Goodies bekommt. Eine komplett deutsche Ausgabe ist aktuell sogar möglich. Helft uns, die 20 Leute voll zu machen. Danke! <3

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