Fireforge Games: Forgotten World Previews
Der Kickstarter Forgotten World von Fireforge Games soll im September starten, außerdem gibt es neue Previews zu sehen.
Wip of Folk Rabble plastic kit, that will be unlocked as stretch goal on our kickstarter in september. Do you like it? Join our campaign
New human faction wip preview. Help us to release this plastic kit unlocking the stretch goals with our Forgotten World kickstarter campaign
see campaign preview here:…/fireforgegames/927490714…
We made some changes on our campaign to try to listen your feedbacks. We changed stretch goals adding the possibility to get the stretch goal characters in hard plastic instead of resin, adding the possibility to unlock a plastic set for living villagers (Folk Rabble). We did what we can to listen your requests and suggestions, now we can only ask for you help to share our project and to search more people joining this campaign to unlock everything.
We changed the pledge levels, that are the following:
€1 Supporter (to donate 1€ to project or to get one box and/or add-ons)
€15 Forgotten World Rulebook (1 copy of the rules A4 format, full colour, paperback and add-on access)
€32 Beginner (2 boxes of your choice and add-on access)
€48 Living Dead Horde (3 living dead boxes of your choice, FREE stretch goals of Living Dead characters when unlocked and add-on access)
€48 Northmen Detachment (3 northmen boxes of your choice, FREE stretch goals of northmen characters when unlocked and add-on access)
€64 Soldier (4 boxes of your choice, FREE stretch goal characters when unlocked and add-on access)
€96 Veteran (6 boxes of your choice, FREE stretch goal characters when unlocked and add-on access)
€128 LIMITED EARLY BIRD (8 boxes of your choice, FREE Kickstarter exclusive figures, FREE stretch goal characters when unlocked and add-on access)
€144 Forgotten World Starter Set – 108 models + tokens + rules (FREE Kickstarter exclusive figures, FREE stretch goal characters when unlocked and add-on access)We changed also retailer pledges and uploaded Shipping infos and infos about our future set of rules.
Note:there are problems in seeing the campaign preview link by mobile devices
Dear followers, Forgotten World Kickstarter campaign will start September 20th – 7.00 pm Rome time (10.00 am Los Angeles, 1.00 pm New York, 6.00 pm London; September 21st – 3.00 am for our australian friends from Sidney and sorry if some cities are missing). Join the campaign through the same link used as preview:…/fireforgegames/927490714…
Help us sharing the project, give that news to all your friends, help us to release these new plastic figures and we will give you a wonderful year of games
Quelle: Fireforge Games bei Facebook
Die Bauern und die Soldaten gefallen mir sehr gut! Mal gespannt was da noch kommt… 🙂
Auf diesen KS bin ich auch sehr gespannt. Am meisten auf die Bauern.
Neue Plastik-Sets sind immer spannend und diese hier scheinen viele Optionen zu bieten.
Mir gefallen die Modelle bisher ganz gut und besser als das „Original“. Diesen Soldaten hier sollte man wohl blonde Haare geben.
Mal schauen, ob es bei dem KS noch bekannte Charaktere geben wird.
Der KS wird unfassbar verlockend, da sind richtig coole Sachen dabei, die ich sehr gerne mal in einem Projekt verarbeiten würde…
Ich stelle mich darauf ein, hier 100+ Euro in Boxen zu investieren, die dann auf unbestimmte Zeit Staub sammelnd im Schrank liegen werden.
:–D +1
Sehr gut, ich hätte wohl so schon mitgemacht, aber die Bauern sind ein weiterer guter Grund.