von BK-Christian | 19.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Troublemaker Games: Plastic Terrain Kits

Troublemaker Games planen eine Geländekampagne auf Indiegogo.

A campaign to crowdfund development of UK-produced small scale plastic terrain kits for Wargaming and Tabletop Roleplay gaming.

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Who Are Troublemaker Games?

We are an established wargames development company who supply plastic, metal and resin miniatures for wargames retail companies, whose sculptors also have experience doing freelance work for other companies such as Mantic Games (For whom we sculpted their range of 28mm scale plastic terrain kits).

We have previously run four other Crowdfunding Campaigns, raising a total of £42,500 to deliver plastic and metal models for the 6mm scale wargame, Defeat In Detail (1 2 3 4).

We have delivered all the plastic and metal kits from all four of our crowdfunding campaigns to our customers, and all models (other than campaign exclusive special edition pieces) are now available for retail purchase through Vanguard Miniatures as the „Defeat In Detail“ range.

The plastic models element of Wave 1 was hit by several unexpected delays before we eventually delivered the models, and we subsequently changed tooling room to a more reliable company for subsequent plastics projects.

We have already tested the tooling company for this project by producing a prototype Mixed Theme Sprue.

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Above: As we have already invested in creating the basic Bolster & Insert technology for this project,  by using a combination of Electrode Sparking and Drill Milling, we can now produce detailed plastic model buildings moulds at a fraction of traditional tooling costs.

Our plastics design & production services using our Bolster asset to reduce tooling cost are also available to supply other wargames companies – enquiries welcome.

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Above: A sample set of 10x Mixed Theme Sprues, painted by Golem Painting Studio.

The panels are 5cm x 5cm in dimension, and are reversible so as to have „wall“ details on the front sides, and „roof“ details on the rear sides of the panels.

Note that we can still take feedback on the stretch goal scenery designs in this crowdfunding campaign, so we can (if customers request) modify the sculpts by adding different details (etc) before they are cast up and sent out.

Stretch Goal #4 also involves adding more details to the currently featureless sides of two of the panels on the Mixed Theme Sprue – again, the specific details put on those panels could be modified on requests from project backers.

Die Sets mit Modelle verschiedener Maßstäbe (6mm und 15mm):

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Initial Offering – The Mixed Theme Set:

This set contains a variety of „Urban Gothic“ and „Cyberhive“ theme wall panels.

The rear sides of some of the panel designs also contain „Roof“ details.

You will note some of the rear sides of the panels are currently blank; We would like to add more variety of rear panel details to the rear sides of the Mixed Theme Sprue panels as stretch goals.

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Stretch Goal #1 – The Gothic Theme Set:

This set contains a variety of „Urban Gothic“ theme wall panels.

The rear sides of some of the panel designs also contain roof details.

You will note some of the rear sides of the panels are currently blank; We would like to add more variety of rear panel details to the rear sides of the Gothic Theme Sprue panels as stretch goal #2…

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Stretch Goal #2 – Upgraded Detail for the Gothic Theme Set:

The Gothic Theme Set that was made available as Stretch Goal #1, is now upgraded so that all panels have details on both sides.

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Stretch Goal #3 – The Cyberhive Theme Set:

This set contains a variety of „Cyberhive“ theme wall panels.

The rear sides of some of the panel designs also contain roof details.

We would like to add more variety of rear panel details to the rear sides of the Cyberhive Theme Sprue panels as further stretch goals.

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Stretch Goal #4 – Upgraded Detail for the Cyberhive Theme Set & the Mixed Theme Set:

The Cyberhive Theme Set that was made available as Stretch Goal #3, is now upgraded so that all panels have details on both sides.

The Mixed Theme Set will also receive an upgrade to the rear sides of the two industrial ladder panel designs that are shared with the Cyberhive Theme Set.

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Die Kampagne ist noch nicht gestartet.

Quelle: Small Scale Armies – Plastic Terrain Kits


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Hmmm….noch nicht restlos überzeugt. Klötzchenoptik eher meh, aber was man daraus bauen kann sieht schon ganz nett aus.
    Necromunda-Terrain in 15mm also.

    Aber da GW gerade plant mit dem neuen Necromunda durchzustarten, brauche ich alles Geld eigentlich, um es schubkarrenweise nach Nottingham zu karren…

    • So, hab mir gerade die Kampagne angeschaut. Die Preise erscheinen mir sehr fair. Also für nen Zwanni kann man mal reinschnuppern.

  • In meinen Augen eine gute Idee – auch wenn die Ausführung dann etwas schlicht daherkommt.
    Im Bereich grimmig-düsterer SciFi-Gothik sieht es ja nicht wirklich gut aus, was bezahlbare Terrains angeht (und wenns um „bezahlbar“ geht, dann isses ja sowieso dürftig).

    Vor Jahren gab es mal modulare Geländestücke aus Plastik (gerüchteweise ursprünglich aus Russland), die unter verschiedenen Namen vertrieben wurden (Platformers ?) – sowas würde mich ja total reizen, gerade vor dem Hintergrund Necromunda/Shadow War.

    Was mir allerdings schleierhaft ist: Warum so klein? Im Bereich 28mm (oder wohl eher 32…) müsste sich das Zeug doch verkaufen wie geschnitten Brot.
    Insofern ist das hier nichts für mich – aber falls es die Teile mal in größer gäbe, wäre ich nicht abgeneigt – auch in dieser Schlichtbauweise…

    • Für 28mm empfehle ich das weiter unten genannte Battlezones-Terrain von Mantic Games. Da gibt es inzwischen neben intakten Gebäuden auch Ruinen, Festungsgelände und Industrieterrain.

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